At Legend Seeds, we are committed to providing comprehensive resources to help you make informed decisions for your operation. For current detailed biological performance data and insights, visit the Proof of Concept Trials page on the YieldMaster Solutions website. For trial data on our sunflower and canola products offered through Nuseed, please visit Together, we're here to support your success with innovative solutions and proven results.
Select a location below nearest you to see how Legend products are performing in your area.
Our Legend agronomy and research teams are positioned across the Midwest and are dedicated toward providing you with agronomic support across our footprint to provide you with confidence from planting to harvest and every moment in between. For more information on crop updates throughout the growing season, management tips, or disease alerts, check out our Crop Talk Moments videos and our Agronomy Library.
If you would like to see plot data from other years, or would like a Legend Seeds representative to contact you, please fill out and submit this form and we'd be happy to help!