Advantages of Working with Legend Seeds

In one word...


Companies that develop germplasm only sell hybrids from that specific genetic pool. As a fiercely independent company, Legend Seeds is not restricted but instead able to access from many genetic sources.

Our portfolio differentiators include:

  • Hybrids are selected for performance, not brand.
  • Working with unique genetic providers, we evaluate many options and take the best.
  • Access to unique genetics and trait platforms without restrictions from a parent company.
  • Syngenta traits and genetics are sold in the Legend and JSC brands.
  • Bayer traits and genetics are sold through the Partners Brand and Sunrise brands.
  • Corteva traits and genetics are sold in the Legend and Power Plus brands.
  • The IMPACT brand represents products available through MS Technologies.

Our product team has the final word on what we sell, no one chooses products for us.


We are focused on your needs. Legend’s product selection team walks fields just like yours.

When other companies select a product to fit nationally, compromises are made; that is not the case with Legend Seeds. Products are chosen specifically for your area consequently delivering better results.

Better results = greater return on your seed investment.


Rigorous Quality Assurance testing that exceeds industry standards, including standards for cold germ testing on all lots.

Legend stacks the deck in your favor. Confidence is critical when you plant early to capture maximum yields. We test more than the basic requirements so you have peace of mind that your stand will come through in tough conditions.

You can be confident the seed you purchase from Legend Seeds exceeds industry standards. We invest more in quality testing to give you reassurance at planting.


Legend Sales Agronomists bring region specific product expertise to your farm.

In-depth local product placement and management information leads to greater yields and consistency. Face-to-face or by phone, Legend Sales Agronomists will take their experience over many acres and environments to advise you on your acre.


Premium seed treatments including the latest technologies like Vayantis®, Sembolite™ and Quickroots®.

The seed you receive from Legend has the best chance for early crop health and maximum yield potential. Thicker, healthier stands mean greater performance satisfaction. Yield follows early crop health.


Legend has more personnel selling more acres to more growers.

Experience is a great teacher. After 32 years of sales and service in the region, Legend knows a thing or two about growing crops in the North. You have an entire team of support to rely on for better advice which leads to better yields.