You have probably heard that a seed’s greatest yield potential is the highest just before it goes into the ground. After that, there are many factors such as insects, diseases, and environmental conditions that are threatening that seed’s very existence, let alone its high end yield potential! Fortunately, there are key decisions that growers can make to mitigate risks and establish a good stand at planting. Getting a good stand provides the base for a successful growing season. Seed is one of the largest investments made during the growing season, and seed treatments play a critical role in protecting that investment from a wide range of yield robbing pests. Legend Seeds has a great portfolio of products to protect your yield potential and provide success throughout the growing season.
Our package options include the following corn treatments:
PMZ is a dry seed nutritional that improves early root growth and plant vigor. By providing proper nutrition to the seed, plants can better withstand early-season cold and water stress while progressing through the vegetative growth stage. Your favorite partner in the planter box, PMZ Dry is the right seed treatment to address the critical, early stages of crop growth to maximize yield.
CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® Corn, a combination of separately registered products, is an insecticide/ fungicide seed treatment that offers superior insect and disease protection with enhanced root health. CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® Corn shields developing plants against reduced emergence, while increasing plant stand and vigor early in the season.
CruiserMaxx® and Vibrance® are registered trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.
Vayantis® fungicide seed treatment provides substanially better Pythium protection than older technologies. Vayantis is the latest systemic fungicide seed treatment developed to protect corn seedlings from reduced plant stands, stunting and damping off disease caused by Pythium spp. It is a completely new mode of action and therefore a very valuable tool to help prevent resistance development and maximize genetic performance and yield potential.
Acceleron™ 250
This treatment provides protection against disease and early-season insects. Acceleron provides control of Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia from an exclusive fungicide combination featuring ipconazole, metalaxyl and trifloxystrobin. It also gives protection from earlyseason insect pests like seed corn maggot, grape colapsis, white grub and wireworm using clothianidin insecticide.
Legend Seeds offers a variety of soybean treatment packages to help you protect your investment.
Our package options include the following soybean treatments:
Learn more about YP Pro+:
Soyfx™ is a specific, unique combination of identified and tested microbials that elicit a positive crop response. It unlocks the plant's ability to produce growth regulators and metabolites that enhance production through biosynthetic pathway efficiencies.
Key Benefits:
The HC (High Concentration) Technology is a novel formulation process which increases bacteria concentration to ensure a greater number of bacteria on-seed, with a lower application rate.
Uniquely formulated with Osmo Protective substances, TOP Technology strengthens the bacteria and increase their concentration and survival on-seed.
The high concentration, improved stability and its formulation based on specially selected Bradyrhizobium sp., enables Rizoliq TOP to maximize nodulation and Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF).
With more power to fight Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and robust nematicidal activity, Saltro® Fungicide seed treatment delivers upgraded SDS protection without early-season plant stress. Saltro helps plants emerge strong above ground and set solid roots below ground so your soybeans can reach their full genetic yield potential.
Learn more about Saltro®:
Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please
check with your local extension services to ensure registration status. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.