Feb 24, 2025, 1:00 PM

Maximizing Early Season Corn and Soybean Yields with Fungicide Applications

As corn fields approach the V5 growth stage, many growers are exploring different products and methods to enhance corn and soybean yields. One option that often comes up in early-season discussions is fungicide application. However, deciding whether to apply fungicides on your corn or soybean crops requires careful consideration. Below are some insights into making an informed decision about early-season fungicide use.

Early-Season Fungicides for Corn

Most fungicides available today are preventative treatments, meaning they must be applied before disease symptoms appear. To effectively manage disease, there needs to be a favorable environment, a susceptible host, and a disease pathogen, which is often referred to as the "disease triangle."

Common fungicides used on corn include TrivaproTM , three modes of action, and Stratego® YLD, strobilurin-based. From my experience, the highest likelihood of seeing a yield benefit from fungicide application is in the following scenarios:

  • Hybrids with lower disease tolerance
  • Corn-on-corn rotations

Best Practices for Corn Fungicide Applications:

  • Apply between the V5 and V7 growth stages for optimal results.
  • Use flat spray nozzles to improve coverage.
  • Consider combining fungicide application with early herbicide treatments to reduce application costs.

Early-Season Fungicides for Soybeans

In soybean fields, early-season fungicide applications are not as universally profitable as they are in corn, unless your field is experiencing excessively wet conditions. If moisture levels are high, applying fungicide during your first herbicide pass can help boost yields. As with corn, fungicide should be applied before disease symptoms emerge.

Before applying fungicide to soybeans, consider the following:

  • Field history: Has your field experienced disease pressure in the past?
  • Genetic disease resistance: Are the varieties you're planting resistant to specific diseases?
  • Variety response: How does your specific variety respond to fungicide treatments?

Conclusion: Weighing the Investment

If you’re farming in an environment prone to disease outbreaks, investing in early-season fungicide applications could help protect your crop's potential yield later in the season. For personalized advice on fungicide products and the best application timings, feel free to reach out to your Legend Sales Agronomist.