Jun 23, 2023, 9:00 AM
Sclerotinia stem rot, more commonly known as white mold, is a common and destructive disease. It is sometimes seen across the U.S. and Canada; however, it is more common in southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa, and northwest Illinois. It is also prevalent in the Dakotas as well, as it affects many other crops that are grown in the region; such as canola and sunflower. This disease is difficult to manage, and resistant varieties are a partial solution to this perennial problem. Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold)
As with all plant diseases, you need a susceptible host, disease pathogen, and favorable environmental conditions. Below are a few conditions that are conducive to experiencing white mold:
When conditions are favorable for the onset of white mold, there are a few control measures that a grower can utilize to prevent the disease from occurring. One important thing to keep in mind is that there really is no rescue treatment option available, so prevention is the best way to manage the disease.
To minimize the damage caused by white mold, utilize several of the methods mentioned above. The disease can be very detrimental if favorable conditions are present during the flowering period. Fungicides labeled for white mold work very well when applied at the correct application period.
Information and photos sourced from Iowa State Research and Extension:
https://crops.extension.iastate.edu/files/resize/article/white_mold-daren_mueller_50-386x290.jpg https://crops.extension.iastate.edu/files/resize/article/wm-stem_bleaching-daren_mueller-384x256.jpg