Legend Seeds is staffed by people who are as perfect for their jobs as our seed is for the soil. With a dedicated team of agronomists, account managers, account specialist and support staff assigned to each customer, the Legend staff brings an in-depth knowledge of local conditions to the table.
Legend Account Specialist Lead
De Smet, SD Headquarters
De Smet, SD Headquarters
Office Phone
Tell us about the most rewarding part of your job.
I get to work in ag for a company that is an industry leader. My parent's farm, and my husband works on a farm, and eventually my boys hope to do the same. The knowledge that I gain from working at Legend helps me understand and stay in the loop with things that my own family is experiencing.
What is Legend Seeds' greatest advantage over other seed companies?
The variety of traits that we are able to offer.
Legend Account Specialist
De Smet, SD Headquarters
De Smet, SD Headquarters
Office Phone